Here is the latest out of Arkansas! Every issue of the Show Circuit magazine has news and points from several outstanding youth associations like the Arkansas Junior Cattlemen's Association. If you'd like to send news from your state group, we'd LOVE to share it with our readers! Just contact Sharla at And here's Kelsey!

Hello, my name is Kelsey Robinson. I am the Area 8 Vice President. I live with my Aunt and Uncle Tracy and Blake Morrison, my brother Skyler Robinson, and my cousins Dalton, Mackenzie and Allyson Morrison in Mountain Home, Arkansas. We raise cross breed show cattle. I also, show pigs.
State Spring Livestock Show
The State Spring Livestock Show was held on May 3rd & 4th. It was great to see many of our friends. I only able to see a few of the classes because I was traveling on Friday and helping fellow exhibitors get their cattle ready to show the rest of the time.
On Friday, the Arkansas Cattlemen’s Association provided lunch for all of the exhibitors and their families. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Arkansas Cattlemen’s Association for providing lunch for everyone.
Friday evening the steer show began at 4 p.m. After that they did Pee Wee, Junior and Senior showmanship. There were several classes of steers. Also, there was one class of pee wee showman and there were two cuts each of junior and senior showmanship classes.
Saturday the Breed Show began at 9:00 a.m. There were several different heifer and bull breeds represented at the show. There were also several breed Field Day Shows. There were several American, English, and Exotic Commercial heifers and bulls shown.
AJCA Scholarships
AJCA awards scholarships to AJCA graduating senior members each year. These scholarships are awarded to members who are planning to study in different fields.
Nine AJCA Scholarships totaling $11,900.00 were awarded to the following members:
· Logan Sigmon.
· Blaine Wildy
· Grace Harris
· Mackenzie Morrison
· Allyson Morrison
· Kiley Wier
· Brittany Kunkle
· Katelyn Jackson
· Bridgette “Gabby” Pittman
I would like to congratulate all the fellow exhibitors who did well at this year’s State Spring Livestock Show. Also, the AJCA Scholarship awardees.