AJSA is excited to announce the list of candidates for AJSA Trustee at the National Classic!
Write-in candidates have until June 15 to have 10 nominations sent to ajsa@simmgene.com.
After 10 nominations have been sent in the trustee application must be completed and sent to ajsa@simmgene.com to have the candidate put on the ballot at the National Classic. Each region currently has two seats up for election. If you have any questions, please get a hold of any current trustee or Darla!
North Central Region: Lauren Glick- IL Sammi Long- IA Martha Moenning- MN Clay Sundberg- IL
South Central Region: Kennedy Early- MO Teegan Mackey- TX
Eastern Region: Marie Clanton- MS Luke Harker- IN Cara Smith- NC
Western Region: Sydney Schwenk- OR