Spring will be here soon, which means many 4-H and FFA livestock judging teams will be out there marking cards and learning to evaluate stock. Here are some upcoming camps for those kids.

Kansas State “Champions” Livestock Judging Camp
Chris Mullinix, cmullinix@ksu.edu
A three-day, intense judging camp designed for 4-H and FFA members (ages 14-18) who are seriously interested in enhancing their livestock judging and oral communication skills. Prior livestock judging experience is necessary for this camp. Workouts will be conducted similar to those at a collegiate level.
Chris Mullinix, coach of more than 30 national contest winning teams and KSU Livestock Judging Team Coach, will conduct the training for each camp. The camp will focus primarily on the proper format, terminology and presentation of oral reasons. Camp participants will also be exposed to livestock evaluation skills and incorporating performance records in the decision making process.
Camp Agenda Mini camps will be conducted in June. Each camp will be limited to 35 students and will be accepted on a “first come-first serve” basis. The following dates are set for the 2019 camps. Camp A June 3-5 (Monday - Wednesday) Camp B June 11-13 (Tuesday - Thursday) Camp C June 14-16 (Friday – Sunday) Please designate on the registration form an order of preference for each camp. Because of the limited space availability, we may not be able to accommodate every participant’s first choice. In this event, you will be notified via email which camp you are placed in.
Registration is due no later than May 20, 2019. Form is available on the K-State Animal Sciences and Industry website.